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SUZI Q'S PLACEWelcome to my recipe/cooking page. I've never been one to go into the kitchen and create a 7 course meal. I can hold my own in the kitchen, but would rather play on the computer or paint. So with that in mind, this page will hopefully appeal to those who want good, healthy, maybe not so healthy (smirk), quick and easy or not so easy recipes. Some of the recipes and tips will actually come from myself (go figure), yes I do every now and then come up with something creative in the kitchen! I've gathered others from friends and family. Be sure to check out the list of links I've gathered from the web. Don't forget to bookmark this page, I plan on updating it often.
This HOMEARTS EATS page is a great link with lots of cooking related features. It's filled with articles, spotlight features, recipe finder and best of all a make my recipe healty submission.
The BECKI'S THE KITCHEN page has a great list of recipes and diet tips. She does terrific cooking related graphics, go check it out.